Saturday, May 31, 2008


Back in February when Kevin had his back procedure done we thought it would be a good time to start filling out my forms for disability. Kevin was off for 6 weeks recovering (which by the way he is doing great). We printed off the forms from the internet and filled out each answer before we put them into the real form on the internet. Let's put it this way---there were numerous pages and they all seem to repeat. Anyway, when we were finished with that we started around 9 am filling in each form on the internet. Having the answers down all ready you would of thought it would of been a breeze, well it wasn't. We didn't finish until 10 pm that night without a break. We wanted to be finished with it totally. Needless to say, I had a terrible headache when we finished.
Before we finally were able to push the submit button we prayed.
This procedure can take 2-3 years to finish with all the approvals and usually visiting their doctors. Which usually end up with having to get a lawyer. We were not looking forward to it all but we felt we needed to give it a try.
On Friday, May 29th, we received news that they actually approved it all the first time around. WHAT A BLESSING! No hassles, no other visits and especially no lawyer.
In the next two weeks we will find out what my limit is and when it will start. We pray that we will also get back pay from when I quit working. That would be cool.
Anyway, I just wanted to share this blessing. It was all approved in 3 months instead of 3 years. :) That is the power of GOD to intervene like this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi again. I left a comment some time ago after reading your blog and realizing you were also in Michigan and seeing your dog which looks much like ours. I thought I'd check your blog out again today and was treated to seeing the title of your newest blog.

You make it very evident that you, your husband, and your family are loving people and it warms my heart so see God rewarding you and answering your prayers so quickly. As I read other blogs, I noticed you are experiencing some problems much like the problems you had a year ago as far as your health was concerned. I pray that God will work his miracles again and alleviate any problems you may have.

You are an inspiration to a newer Christian like myself. If you are to pray for me, please pray that the the love and kindness you show is also evident in my life to others so that they may know Christ as well. Thank you and God bless.
