Thursday, October 16, 2008


Well, our trip came and went all ready. We had a blast, seen and did many fun things like:
a trip to Country Bear USA where you see many different animals roaming the area. The pictures of animals that I will post are taken at the Country Bear USA. The Badlands where Cory and Kevin climbed up to a cave to explore, went to Custer State Park to bugle in some elks (which unfortunately we did not see any-RATS!) After wards we went to a great steak restaurant in Hill City, SD called The Alpine. YUMMY!!!! We celebrated Cian's first birthday along with Cory's birthday and Brian's birthday (Shannon's dad). We found out that same week we are having our second grand daughter born in March of 2009 :) . We shopped a lot, spent the week end at Shannon's parent's home in Spearfish which received 3-5 inches of that white stuff we call snow. :( While there we went to Hill City again to take a 1880's steam engine locomotive ride through the mountains between Hill City and Keystone, SD. That was the first day it started snowing. One of the pictures I will post if one that Kevin took looking out the window of the front of the locomotive. The picture reminds me of The Polar Express.
We enjoyed so much being with Cory, Shannon and Cian. Cian is growing so fast and is just one funny fella. We always have a great time with Shannon's family. We are looking forward to going out again in March to welcome our grand daughter, Teagan Lee.