Friday, December 26, 2008


Well, Christmas has been here and now it is gone. Unbelievable!! I trust all of you had a great Christmas with your family/families. We unfortunately, were not able to have our sons and families home but we got to visit with Cory, Shannon and our grand son Cian on the web cam.
What a precious boy. They all are so special. Their all my favorites!!! Teagan is looking like she is still growing well in her warm little womb also. It's coming around the corner with the arrival of our 2nd grand daughter Teagan Lee. I can hardly wait! I am sure Shannon can't wait either.
We weren't able to see Nick's family on the web cam because unfortunately, 3 out of 5 of them were extremely sick and up all night. It was not a good night for Nick as he was the only one (so far) that is not sick. What a rotten deal for them. Hopefully we will get on soon with them. Please pray for them.
Our Grandson Bryson made us rock candy crystal that I hung on our tree but we have to make sure to eat them now. Then Nick made an awesome video of the kids as they were born to the age now. AWESOME! Truly things like this are the best gifts grand parents can get. We will watch them over and over for a life time. Also, we received a book named "Room for a little One". Nick made a cd of Bryson reading the book (he is only 6) with Zeke making the sound effects (of animals in the book he is 4). It was absolutely adorable and brought great warmth to our hearts to hear them read "there is always room for one." Yet another one that we can enjoy for a life time. Cristal gave me a necklace with birthstones of our children, Nick, Cory and Cristal. Now I will add to it of all my grandkids. :) She also gave us each a mug with pictures of our grandkids on it. How cool is that! Sip in style now.
Of all the neat gifts received from all, the gift of Christ is the best. I know my children and the in-laws will be in heaven and to this day we are praying for each grand child that they will receive Jesus in their hearts also. THE GREATEST GIFT OF ALL.
We were able to gather with some of my family in the early part of the day and then part of Kevin's family in the evening at our home so really we had a good day but I was exhausted from all the coming and going so I am looking forward to things slowing down now.

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