Saturday, August 18, 2007

Once Upon a Cool August Morn.

Well, I really hate to rub it in to all you sweltering southerners, but I will anyway. This is mid August and when we got up this morning it was around 57 degrees. Burr!! We lit up the chiminea, sipped coffee and munched on cinnamon rolls left over from the fair last night. It is unusually cool this weekend for August, but what a delight to just kick back, smell the cool air with a hint of burning pine, and watch the birds and squirrels go about their daily business. What a great morning, just to sit beside my love and enjoy life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ya, send some of that weather this way :) By the way, in your last comment on our blog you said our third grandson was on the way, I hope that was just a typo and not sign :) Check out our new blog, the church gave us a shower last night. Love you